

VALLEYDESIGNSTUDIO,established in 2016, is a creative design studio based in Caotun, aspiring to engage in international dialogues. With a primary focus on brand design planning and a commitment to visual communication and brand exploration, we provide businesses with effective and socially meaningful solutions.

Our services include brand design, packaging design, exhibition main visual design, packaging design, social media advertising design, framing design, brand consultation, and printing consultation."


Line ID:weiwei-hong

合作單位 :

台北市政府、台東縣政府、資訊工業策進會、台北市中山堂、作家 江祚宇、樂天資訊有限公司、南港茶葉製造示範場、鹿谷鄉農會、五甲木農產有限公司、陶藝家 林永章、王品餐飲集團、依舊愛咖啡e92coffee、森十作規劃設計顧問有限公司

Award :

2019 Macau Design Award 2019/ 3 Elected

Publish :

2022 Hanzi-Kanji-Hanja-2/victionary
2019 CUTOUT Magazine Malaysia/Volume 09.Issue 02.
2018 Asia-Pacific Design 14th / Sandu

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